Arcade Fire - Haksaw (2017) [FLAC] [FANEDIT]

    Seeders : 19      Leechers : 10

Torrent Hash : 52F16B9D3A70682248AC2321F4F1AEEC1191A2A0
Torrent Added : 1 Year+ in Music - Music
Torrent Size : 274.95 MB

Arcade Fire - Haksaw (2017) [FLAC] [FANEDIT]
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Trackers List

Tracker NameLast CheckStatusSeedersLeechers
udp:// Year+success1910
udp:// Year+success179
udp:// Year+success42
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udp:// Year+success42
udp:// Year+success43
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Torrent File Content (12 files)

Arcade Fire - Haksaw
     05 - Awful Sound.flac -
40.45 MB

     04 - Normal Person.flac -
30.46 MB

     06 - Joan Of Arc.flac -
30.43 MB

     02 - Reflektor.flac -
30.36 MB

     07 - Porno.flac -
28.77 MB

     03 - You Already Know.flac -
27.3 MB

     10 - It's Never Over.flac -
27.27 MB

     08 - We Exist.flac -
24.71 MB

     09 - Supersymmetry.flac -
24.41 MB

     01 - Here Comes The Night Time.flac -
10.77 MB

     Folder.auCDtect.txt -
4.34 KB

     Torrent downloaded from - Demonoid.txt -
56 bytes


Music : Rock : Lossless
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If you're wondering why a band would hide 10 minutes of music in the pregap so that you would have to manually seek back to listen to it, you can understand how unnecessarily mystifying Reflektor is. Like Be Here Now, many songs go on much longer than they need to, including the title track and lead single. But the final track Supersymmetry (11 minutes) isn't exactly one of them, since the last five minutes are similar to the hidden track; a weird and almost ambient medley of reverse tape loops. And what happens if these 15 minutes of "music" were cut? A 70-minute album which easily fits onto one CD.

So as was done to Be Here Now, Haksaw is titled after the creation process: namely cutting the crap out of it until a listenable album is produced. That means goodbye story, no more tape loops, reduced track lengths, a completely different order, and three songs excised (unlike Be Here Now, none of the bonus tracks were worthy or fit). The resulting album runs 44:15, which is almost half of the original 85 minute length. While still not great, Haksaw is much more listenable and shows a better understanding of how an album can/should be put together. You won't miss anything that's gone, and now maybe there's a chance that this can sit alongside Arcade Fire's better first three albums.

Track listing:

1. Here Comes The Night Time
2. Reflektor
3. You Already Know
4. Normal Person
5. Awful Sound
6. Joan Of Arc
7. Porno
8. We Exist
9. Supersymmetry
10. It's Never Over

Total time: 44:15
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